Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ryan Leaf - Loves the Coke!

Ryan Leaf. Jesus, his parents must be disappointed in him. I'd put money on it, that his #1 wish in life at this very moment would be to have a huge sack of coke, or better yet, some meth. This dude just reaks of life fail all the way around. And imagine, at one point, NFL insiders had him ranked higher than Peyton Manning. Higher? yep! There is no doubt that Ryan Leaf Loves the Coke. Really loves it.

Killa back.

Dopeness from Killa Cam. Could care less about A-Trak, but fuck it. Once you get to the tophat, denim vest, stupid smile level of your career, you're open to a certain critique.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Adam Richman can quote the Saafir/Hiero battle....

This fool Adam Richman has to have the best job in the world - go out and eat the best food in every city...and lots of it. Watching his show(s) are a guilty pleasure, and I knew dude was from NY, but i didn't know he was a hiphop head.
So I stumbled across this vid talking to the homie Sway on Sway's show. The Saafir/Hiero battle played a big role in my development as an MC, and this fool Adam Richman not only knew all about the battle, but was able to recite lines from the battle and Saafir's classic "Light Sleeper." Dope shit.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Jordan Infrared 23

Drops March 8th - I can just visualize you losers standing in line all cold, ready to kill your own people for a pair of these. Shit, i would too!

The Renegade Jew....

Back in 1993, when rap was good, I used to scour every page of the Source Magazine for rap information. I used to get a huge laugh when I'd see the ads and album promos in the "Back of the Source" as they were all hood, ratchet, etc...think rappers in prison, hiphop chat lines, escorts and - the renegade jew. The one ad that stood up was this Mickey Rourke-ass looking motherfucker the Renegade Jew. Shit always used to crack me up. Well, I found it - an old track from the RJ himself. look at the black dude in the background! Great stuff.

I found the actual video!!

Jay Cutler...Loves the Coke!

This fucking guy Jay Cutler guy has all signs pointing to yes - he loves the cocaine!
1. Look at that countenance. Those bags under the eyes, looking like he just woke up, and it's 3:30 PM! What a sad looking man
2. Always looking like you got the flu!
3. Irritability - he yells at his OLine, has tantrums, argues with the media. All natural signs of a coke head
4. He's in Chicago, Coke is easy to get!
Yes America, Jay Cutler LTC - Loves the Coke...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Huey Lewis...Loves the Coke!

I'd like to introduce a series I'm starting on this blog called "Loves the Coke." In it, I will highlight people (mainly athletes, artists, rappers) who are either known to love cocaine, or are strongly suspected, via their actions, of being a heavy cocaine abuser. The first person I will highlight is...Huey Lewis.

The San Francisco legend most probably ran thru a plethora of 80's slores all the while indulging in the white, and pissing of his "News" cohorts who were forced to get his sloppy seconds. As a matter of fact, I'd be willing to bet that Huey is a Cocaine Cowboy, a legend, with many a Marina-based dealer on speed dial. So congrats Huey, you Niner lover you - You LTC! Love the Coke!

A devastating loss in the Battle of Seattle for the Conference title has the Empire sickened. We break down the good, the bad, the ugly, and work on articulating words that describe how bad Richard Sherman’s dreads STINK! We also talk football! What we need to do in the offseason, and what to look forward to going into next season and beyond. No matter what, the Empire lives on! Wash out the bitter taste of defeat with a few laughs with your guys #TheChamp, Nightclubber Lang, and ID! #9ERadio


Friday, January 17, 2014

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO #9ERadio A HUGE win in Carolina, big defense, and great plays by our weapons…it was a battle…but we come out on top and on our way to the 3rd NFC title game in a row against division rival Seadderall. Tune in this week for the breakdown and see who gets our franchise tags and gets told to STEP YO GAME UP! This and the rest of the playoffs are discussed…cant miss radio this week. Shout out to the Chapters who represented in Carolina!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ballpark Botox from the Seahawks

Oft referred to as the "Pork N Beans" or "Hot Dog Water" fanbase because of their backroad downhome country way of life...One Seahawks fan has taken it to the extreme and inserted a pack of Ballparks on the back of his neck and Under His Skin!

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Seattle Seahawks Announce "Dueling Banjos" for this Sunday at Century Link Field!

In what is a huge development, Seattle's Century Link field will have a Banjo Duel before the big game on Sunday. the duel will be a celebration of Seattle "country" fans, who represent the majority of the audience at most games. Here's the trailer! The Hawks are going all out and taking no shorts for their fans from the outlying areas of Everett, Bothell, Yelm, Fife, Puyallup and beyond! So swing your partner DO-Si-Do this Sunday Seahawks...this ones for you!

The Seattle Seahwks Announce "Hillbilly Jim" will raise the 12th Man Flag!

In a move sure to make many Seattle women weak at the knees, the Seattle Seahawks have announced country-fied sex symbol, and former WWF wrestler "Hillbilly Jim" will raise the 12th (Wo)Man Flag at the Big Game on Sunday! This move will definitely appease the Seattle crowd, which is comprised of 87% self-proclaimed "down home rednecks!"

Huge News from the Seattle Seahawks and Arby's!

In an attempt to have their fans feel at home in the big city, the Seattle Seahawks are installing mobile Arby's "Pop Up" Shops at 16 locations around Century Link Field for the big game on Sunday. The Arby's Pop Up shops will have an endless supply of the infamous "Arby-Q" sandwich is which is insanely popular to the Seahawks mostly "country" audience that attends Seahawk games. And if you are wondering, the answer is "Yes!"-the Arby's mobiles accept EBT!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

You better get this Outcrowd 110 Volume 1...Right Now!

If you don't know, now you do. @MoeGreen110 @Trell707 @OCjizzle @Dinerosotrill @BIGLEE1800 @PackYoGear FREE DOWNLOAD HERE!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Barry Bonds is the Illest!

Who's the best player I've ever seen with my own 2 eyes? Who was the most dominating player in my generation who happened to go to the same High School I did and play for the team I have tattooed on my arm? Barry Bonds. The GOAT. The best ever. There is only one who might've been better, and that's his Godfather Willie Mays. So to the Hall of Fame voters and Bud Selig...why are there racists that stopped black players from playing baseball, wife beaters, felons,sexual predators, drug addicts, etc in the hall of fame, and not Barry? If there ever was a first ballot hall of famer, Barry is that dude. And you almost voted in Craig Biggio! The whole process is a joke. And on behalf of Pete Rose, fuck you. #Go Giants. READ A GREAT ARTICLE ON THIS RIGHT HERE!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

#9ERadio – Green Bay sent Packin’..Here comes Killa Cam!

THIS WEEK IN NINER EMPIRE RADIO: The #Questfor6 is not stopped in the frigid cold of Lambeau….The Niners continue the road to destiny, and we here at #9ERadio are here to talk allll about it….and this week at Carolina! TUNE IN AND SHARE WITH OTHER FAITHFUL! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!

Philip Rivers is a great QB, but man, Doesn't he Look Like a Racist?

Man, my guy looks he has zero colored friends...but in all reality he's a good guy with hella kids and is a great QB.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wallabee Clarks x MF Doom

These are riddick...I needz these in my life. CHECK EM OUT!

The Eternal Flu...

Just look at this fool Jay Cutler. It looks like he always has the flu - like 365 days a year. What a sad countenance. Taking that $125 mill straight to the flu shot center. What an unpleasant mug.

Avoid getting the young NT!

Been looking around extra carefully and lots of you young poohbutts are getting the neck tattoo. I too was young and dumb at a point in my life, but I'm telling you - DONT DO IT! Who's gonna want to hire you if you have a neck tattoo? (Harbaugh Voice) - NOOOOOBODY! So, in honor of the young bucks who stupidly went out and got the young NT (NeckTattoo), here is a list of potential jobs you still have the chance of landing.. 1. Flyer Distributer 2. Selling Phones at a Wireless Kiosk at the Mall 3. Record Store employee 4. Rapper 5. Basketball Player 6. Club Promoter 7. Grocery Bagger at Alternative Market (think Berkeley Bowl or Whole Foods) 8. Bartender 9. Barista at Hipster Coffee Shop 10. Parking Attendant at grimy stadium

Ric Flair Pumps up the Niners...and still loves the C!

Click HERE to watch the video of young Ric Flair giving a "speech" to the 49ers the night before last weekends game. Damn, just looking at Young Ric, the man has torn thru his fair share of cocaine and steroids. Anyway, dude lives in Charlotte and is going against his hometown boys.

Al's son Mark Davis looks like Fire Marshall Bill meets a Rat!

Dear Mark Davis, Whoever cuts your hair, please let me know. I run with a bad bunch of fellas, and we will fuck up whoever it was that cut your hair. He's dead!

RGIII is a huge piece of shit!

So this fool RGIII, aka the cornball brotha was bragging to his under-performing teammates that he had "influence" and could influence his billionaire owner Dan Snyder. This guy has been a tool since the jump. Arguing with his teammates, asking the coaching staff to not point out his bad plays, being a little baby. Million dollar athlete shows his true colors. Fuck a RGIII, go do something about those 80's era braids bruh. You represent all thats wrong with sports and Cousins is a better overall QB. Read this HERE