Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Huey Lewis...Loves the Coke!

I'd like to introduce a series I'm starting on this blog called "Loves the Coke." In it, I will highlight people (mainly athletes, artists, rappers) who are either known to love cocaine, or are strongly suspected, via their actions, of being a heavy cocaine abuser. The first person I will highlight is...Huey Lewis.

The San Francisco legend most probably ran thru a plethora of 80's slores all the while indulging in the white, and pissing of his "News" cohorts who were forced to get his sloppy seconds. As a matter of fact, I'd be willing to bet that Huey is a Cocaine Cowboy, a legend, with many a Marina-based dealer on speed dial. So congrats Huey, you Niner lover you - You LTC! Love the Coke!


  1. I have no evidence of Huey Lewis doing cocaine what so ever; however, when I just wondering what band to put into youtube to listen to that I haven't heard in a while, I thought of Huey Lewis. After looking at his pic, I thought...cocaine. Then I googled Huey Lewis cocaine and found this article. Thus, I...without any proof, suspect he did a lot of coke. Maybe I"m wrong, but if I were in Vegas, I'd bet on him being a coke cowboy!

  2. I found a clue bitch
    At 9:44 he sings the lyrics, "Plenty of lines, but nothing to say", as he taps his nose. Most likely referencing cocaine. Possibly he put his own influences into the song when it was written? Ye

    1. Actually, "Trouble In Paradise" was written for a deceased friend of his. Is his friend the cokehead?
